Phoenix, mostly in the Desert Botanic Garden.
New Zealand
New Zealand.
Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016
Winter 2014-2015
Building Julia on Intel Edison
I picked up an Intel Edison with mini breakout board from the employee store last week and decided to try to put Julia on it and eventually run a small web app with Mustache and Morsel to serve up sensor data. I didn’t see anything online about building Julia on the Edison, and while it went fairly smoothly, I figured I would post my notes to possibly save anyone else who tries it some time.
I did the basic setup by following the Intel guide to update the firmware, and then used this Sparkfun guide to install Ubilinux. After that I started working though the compile from source section on the main Julia github page. Don’t miss the git checkout release-0.3
part like I did. Before making julia go ahead and apt-get install gfortran
and bzip2
since they were not included for some reason.
I also needed to do make -C deps clean-llvm
and the same for openblas
. For the latter, I also needed to use OPENBLAS_TARGET_ARCH=ATOM
. Overall, not too bad!
Summer 2014
Simple web form automation with Mechanize
I use the perl module WWW::Mechanize as my go-to solution for anything I need to automate over the web. My dad, a web-scraping pro, recommended it as a good starting point when I was just getting started and I’ve used it for pretty much everything since. There’s a few specialized situations where it doesn’t work well, but for most of the sites I need to work with it does great. I used it this past week to help my sister automate the process of signing up campers for her library system’s summer reading program, and thought it would make a good intro for anyone who is interested in getting started with Mechanize.
The goal of the project was to take a spreadsheet with camper information and fill out a registration form for each one. The form looks something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | < form method = "post" action = "splash.asp?id=1" onSubmit = "return validateSignUp(this);" > < input type = "hidden" name = "form_sr" value = "1" > < input type = "hidden" name = "form_postback" value = "yes" > < table width = "100%" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "2" > < tr class = "bggrey" >< td colspan = "2" class = "font12bold centered" >Create a Teen Summer Reading account and get started! < span class = "font12boldred" >Fields in red are required.</ a ></ td ></ tr > < tr class = "bggrey01" > < td width = "30%" class = "font12boldred" align = "right" >First Name:</ td > < td width = "70%" >< input type = "text" name = "form_fname" size = "40" value = "" onBlur = "populateTheOtherInputField(this);" ; /></ td > </ tr > < tr class = "bggrey02" > < td class = "font12boldred" align = "right" >Last Name:</ td > < td >< input type = "text" name = "form_lname" size = "40" value = "" onBlur = "populateTheOtherInputField(this);" ; /></ td > </ tr > < tr class = "bggrey01" > < td class = "font12boldred" align = "right" >Phone Number:</ td > < td >< input type = "text" name = "form_phone" size = "40" value = "" /></ td > </ tr > < tr class = "bggrey02" > < td class = "font12bold" align = "right" >Email:< br />< span class = "font10" >For easy password recovery.</ span ></ td > < td >< input type = "text" name = "form_email" size = "40" value = "" /></ td > </ tr > <!-- A bunch of code related to various drop-down boxes--> <!-- A captcha which doesn't appear if you are on the library network --> < input type = "submit" value = "Create Account" /> |
Setting up a mechanize browsing daemon is easy as shown below. I also use SpreadSheet::ParseExcel for the input.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w use WWW::Mechanize; use SpreadSheet::ParseExcel; use strict; use warnings; my ( $filename ) = @ARGV ; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck =>0, timeout =>5); # Currently this hard codes in the age group my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); my $workbook = $parser ->parse( $filename ) or die $parser ->error; my $worksheet = $workbook ->worksheet( 'Sheet1' ) or die "No worksheet found" ; my $username = " " ; |
To do the signup for each camper we loop over the rows of the spreadsheet and pull out the values we need with “get_cell”. Then we load the signup page with mechanize, select the form (the one I needed happened to be the 3rd one on the page). We use “field” to fill in forms, and “select” for drop-down menus (there were a bunch, I’ve only shown one here). Lastly, we click the “Create account” button and we’re all set:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | for ( my $row =3; $username ne "" ; $row ++) { my $cell = $worksheet ->get_cell( $row ,6) or die "Can't get cell" ; $username = $cell ->value(); $cell = $worksheet ->get_cell( $row ,7); my $password = $cell ->value(); $cell = $worksheet ->get_cell( $row ,0); my $firstname = $cell ->value(); $cell = $worksheet ->get_cell( $row ,1); my $lastname = $cell ->value(); $cell = $worksheet ->get_cell( $row ,2); my $phonenumber = $cell ->value(); if ( $username ) { print "Registring: " , $username . "\n" ; $mech ->get( $base ); if ( $mech ->success()) { my $regform = $mech ->form_number(3); #Fill fields in order of appearance $mech ->field( "form_fname" , $firstname ,1); $mech ->field( "form_lname" , $lastname ,1); $mech ->field( "form_phone" , $phonenumber ,1); $mech -> select ( "form_library" , 99); #Default library for now $mech ->field( "form_username" , $username ,1); $mech ->field( "form_password" , $password ,1); $mech ->field( "form_password2" , $password ,1); $mech ->field( "form_memo" , "This account was succesfully automatically generated" ,1); $mech ->click_button( value => "Create Account" ); } } } |
While I was filling out forms this time, I’m usually pulling data off a web site. This is actually easier than filling out forms — just load the page with “$mech->get($url)” and then access with page source with “my $page = $mech->content” or similar. Normally I read the page in line-by-line and use regex to pull out whatever I’m looking for. (Just remember, you can match known html easily with regex, but don’t try to parse it =).